proximity / nabijheid

Proximity Elements that are close together are seen as a group even if their…

simplicity / eenvoud

Simplicity Elements are clear and ordered, only those necessary are present.…

Figure-ground / voor-achtergrond

Figure - Ground Elements seem to be either the Figure or the Background…

Perspective / Perspectief

Perspective Illusion of depth and distance given to the eye through techniques…

Movement / Beweging

Movement Suggestion of motion given by the disposition of elements. A visual…

Repetition / Herhaling

Repetition Creation of rhythm by having elements re-appear or occur again in a…

Proportion / Verhouding

Proportion Refers to the relationship of certain elements to the whole and to…

Variety / Variëteit

Variety Variety is achieved using the diversity, change and appearances of…

dissonance | dissonantie

Dissonance Creating tension by the discordancy of elements. One element stands…

Unity | Eenheid

Unity A way of combining the parts so that they seem to belong together,…

detail | detail

Detail Small and subordinated elements of a work of art. Extended treatment to…

emphasis | nadruk

Emphasis Force or intensity that gives impressiveness or importance to…

contrast | contrast

Contrast Strong differences between two or more elements showing dissimilar…

balance | balans

Balance Stability produced by even distribution; aesthetically pleasing…