My Photography Toolbox

“Observing the new visuality of culture is…

My Photography Game

A visual challenge in the shape of a quartet game Adults and…

Creating Images

A game based workshop for learning and practicing the application of the…

The VLC cards

Learning cards…

Playtesting My Potography Toolbox

The concept for My Photography Toolbox derived from the research  and work done…

Reasons for designing a game about Visual Language

We note that: Images (moving and still) are an increasingly important…

square like

Square like Constructing elements from the shape of a square. The result gives…

triangle like

Triangle like Constructing elements with triangular corner points as an…

circle like

Circle like Constructing elements with the shape of a circle as an underlying…

wrinkling | kreukelen

Wrinkling The form loses its original shape. Ridges formed by the shrinking or…

descending | afdalend

Descending The overall direction of the elements seem to be going downwards,…

ascending | opstijgend

Ascending Elements going up, rising or moving towards the sky. Seemingly…

scattering | strooiend

Scattering Elements unevenly distributed over a large area. Disseminated…

enclosing | omsluitend

Enclosing Surrounding or closing in around something else. To confine an object…

sheltering | beschuttend

Sheltering Element(s) that cover or afford protection to other elements…

hanging | hangend

Hanging Element(s) being sustained vertically towards the ground with the lower…

supporting | steunend

Supporting An element ensures that another element will not fall due to…